No other house I made was that cool, even if others were more practical from a realistic standpoint. My favorite one I made was Falkon Nest v4 (nicknamed Falkon Towers), which was comprised of two towers joined by a skyway that hovered over a pool. We’ll show you several factors of making a house here, and comment along the way about the purpose of everything we do.īack in Sims 2, the Falkons went through several house generations. Of course, if you have no qualms about cheating, or if you’re making a home for a Generation-3+ Sim, you can make it somewhat expensive and just move them in later. New families have $16,000 usually, so if you’re making a starter home, you’ll want to keep it under that price. Remember that cost is a factor, so you’ll want to keep an eye on the lot value in the top-left corner. You don’t necessarily have to plan out every square tile of the house ahead of time, but knowing the layout of the house will hasten what you can do. The first step of making a decent, functional house is to plan it out in your mind. For whatever reason, you’re not allowed to save from within Build or Buy Modes. Before we get started, remember that once you’re constructing a building, the only way to save is to back up to the Edit Town screen.